What a difference a week makes…
This week Tom says … 338 butterflies on the whole transect route today including Sidney Wood that is 38 more last year for almost the same day. Meadow brown make up 255 of all the butterflies of which 145 were in Park Copse and 68 of these where in the diagonal ride. This ride has by far the highest abundance of any section on the transect route. The habitat in Park Copse looks better than last year and Greater birdsfoot trefoil is spreading along all the rides which should be good for the Wood white. Ringlets are very low at moment, much lower than the same time last year which is not great surprise as they prefer damper conditions. Skipper numbers just a little higher than last year at the same time. Highlight of the walk was 4 Purple emperors on the ground in Sidney Wood , one of which spent some time on my leg and boot.